Article 5319

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Golovko Irina Ivanovna, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of prosecutor’s supervision and participation in criminal, civil and arbitration cases, Saint-Peterburg Institute of Law (branch) of the University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation (44 Liteyniy avenue, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), E-mail:  

Index UDK





Background. The influence of international legal acts, law enforcement practice is a significant aspect of the development of national legislation in European countries. The Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation is not excluded from these processes. At the same time, the experience of legal regulation of the activities of prosecutors in foreign countries, which has been accumulated in European countries, deserves attention. The purpose of the work is to analyze the current state and possibilities of applying foreign experience in regulating the participation of the prosecutor in civil proceedings.
Materials and methods. The solution of research tasks is provided by comparative legal analysis and synthesis of regulatory legal acts of European countries and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights on specific cases concerning the participation of European prosecutors in civil proceedings. This made it possible to identify the main trends in the development of the legal framework for the activities of prosecution authorities in Germany, France, and also in some former socialist countries at the present stage.
Results. The features of the legal regulation of the participation of the prosecutor in civil proceedings, in arbitration (commercial) proceedings in European countries are investigated, attention is paid to the supervisory powers of the prosecutor and his role in enforcement proceedings. The results are compared with the basic legal regulations regarding the participation of the prosecutor in civil proceedings in the Russian Federation.
Conclusions. The study of the legal basis for the participation of the prosecutor in civil proceedings in some European countries allowed to reveal the approaches of the legislator, the European Court of Human Rights to the grounds for the participation of the prosecutor in civil proceedings, the scope of his powers, which will allow to take into account foreign experience in order to improve the legal framework and improve the effectiveness of prosecutors in Russian Federation. 

Key words

prosecutor's office, prosecutor, participation in civil proceedings, arbitration court, conclusion, public interest 

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Дата создания: 12.12.2019 09:21
Дата обновления: 13.12.2019 09:36